Monday, 21 April 2014

Why IP East?

Source Wikipedia

Jane Lambert

The East of England consists of the historic counties of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk which covers an area of 19,120 square kilometres and had a population of over 5.8 million in 2011. The reason why this region is important to us is that it hosts one of the highest concentrations of research based businesses in the country which are clustered around its universities in Cambridge, Colchester, Norwich and elsewhere. The region is also a centre of creativity with the Royal Opera House's Tamar Manoukian Production Workshop in Thurrock and the Norwich University of the Arts.

It is therefore unsurprising that businesses and individuals in the East of England filed 1,821 patent applications in 2011 (exceeded only by South East England and London and well ahead of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with 931, 519 and 251 according to the IPO's Facts and Figures 2011 and 2012 Calendar Years).  The East of England was also fourth in the number of trade mark and fifth in the number of registered design applications.

Our chambers want to help those businesses protect and exploit their investment in brands, design, technology and works of art and literature in any way we can. Many of us were born, live or were educated in the region and all of us have some connection with, or interest in, the East of England.  Members of our IP and Technology Group believe that we can help with hood independent advice on IP strategy, that is to say identifying the optimum legal protection for a business's income stream whether that be by patents, registered or registered designs, trade secrets or otherwise. Our colleagues in Atlas Tax Chambers can do the same with tax. We can advise businesses or their professional intermediaries in the region on any difficult issue of IP law that may arise. We can draft complex legal instruments and as a last result provide representation in the IPO, Intellectual Property Enterprise and Patents Courts, before arbitrators or mediators or other tribunals and dispute resolution proceedings.

We shall do this in collaboration with other professionals, businesses and universities in the region. We shall help them set up and run workshops, seminars, clinics, inventors' and entrepreneurs' clubs in the East of England and support those that already exist as and where we can.  We have done similar work in the North of England for the last 10 years and are now doing the same in London and the South East.  If you want to participate iu any of those initiatives, please call me on 01603 343030 during office hours or use my contact form at any time.